Rocket Planez Curriculum (RP-Curriculum)


The Rocket Planez Curriculum explains the basic flight science of our rocket planes. It features several lesson plans, elaborate rocket plane assembly instructions, vertical ascent flight science, glider flight science, flight competitions as well as a custom flight log. It is geared towards 5th grade and up, but most parts can be used in the earlier grades as well. Manual contains over  40 pages.



The Rocket Planez Curriculum explains the basic flight science of our rocket planes. It features several lesson plans, elaborate rocket plane assembly instructions, vertical ascent flight science, glider flight science, flight competitions as well as a custom flight log. It is geared towards 5th grade and up, but most parts can be used in the earlier grades as well. Manual contains over 40 pages.
Please provide email address as the curriculum will be emailed to you in pdf format so you can print it out for as many students at your school as you wish.