Introduction to Powered Flight (Power-1)



This turn-key flight manual/module is geared towards the science or technology classroom. It is to be used in conjunction with the building of our Lightning AF-1, Red Knight, Royal Defender, Yankee Ace, Cosmic Wind, Yellow Peril, Red Tail Ace and Hayian aircraft.

The manual features detailed assembly instructions, flight theory and suggestions for easy hands-on experiments. Questions for the students are provided and can be used to assess a grade for the project. An answer sheet is provided for the instructor. A vocabulary section is also included. The student can predict flight times through the use of a flight log and graphs.

It is a must have for every instructor that uses our AF-1 Lightning or another beginner powered aircraft from the AeroRacers’ line up.

A great tool at the low price of $79.

Aircraft are sold separately. You will get one soft folder containing the manual/module.